apparatus || tools || metaphysics || index || change || landscape || anotherlandscape || perspective || permeate || wisdom || architecture || past present || newindex || sequence formula || zensation || way of the world || markingtime || formula || change || baloneykit || end of it

what to think about.

set of instructions. questions for the sage to be to contemplate while traversing through the atmosphere

locate your world view. observe the culture, become the whole of it as well as the individual, know your people, know your world.

the ethics, the behavior you witness, experience, participate in, observe, how does it work? what is acceptable? what is not? do ethics support the moral code?

must we always follow the linear path, always arrive at a destination that we expect, at a specified time and place? consider how this works. but before you begin, you must determine the landscape, the scope and atmosphere, the terrain, the mood, the affects, what is included or what comes "with the territory".

what would be the features of the landscape, the atmosphere, the whole of the space in which you will become sage?

what tools might one use to accomplish the goals set forth in becoming wise, the sage, the oracle? consider the scope of the tools themselves, and then the tools in your hands, an extension of you. what then might the tools become, what is your vision?

icons are important in/to the way we read images, as is color. what devices, objects, affects might be included for readability within the logic system to be invented, and how would you apply the specific nature of each object, lets's say an assigned symbology based on truth or myth, to objects that would be considered representative of the culture. how would the objects of choice interact with other objects in the construction of a language system?

how would the sage in training like to be rewarded? what would be the advantage of all this sage trainining, and the purpose without some type of reward. becoming a sage, even at this level, is hard work. there's some contemplating to be done, rules to be made, images to be constructed and named.

there is still, in spite of all the defining, much randomness and chance associated with this process, and that should be included. in fact, that's what makes it more interesting, as time is never the same, situation never the same, space never the same, as all of it moves continually. with that in mind, construct an apparatus that allows for interpretation based on both the questioner and the sage who will respond to the question in a wise manner.

and now, the questioner should have some input, so think about how much information you'd like to provide as a sage, considering what a sage is or does. the OPC called this the flashing white, the implied space, where the gap has to be filled in by the observer. the flashing white here is to not be too specific, that there are situations that require the questioner to participate in his/her own fate, destiny, or answer to the question. don't give it all away sage.

so next, how does everyone get to know about sage training? how do we move this information from where it sits out onto a global palatte?

how do we then determine if it's all working? should we do a questionnaire? survey? make assumptions that everyone has hooked onto our great idea? the next level requires some thinking about how we might get to the greater part of our public. think about it, how can it happen?

until then, that's it for sage-o-matic, the questions to ponder. and now, back to our previous format. . .